Life is Like a Grocery List...Sometimes you forget to add things that you should, or discover later, you absolutely need...Sometimes you scratch things off that you decide or realize you don't really need...And sometimes you put something on there forgetting that it gave you a hard core case of the shits last time you had it, and you have to learn the hard way that it does NOT belong on the list.

This statement holds true to ANY aspect of ANYone's life, it's all in the individual perspective of course:)... First and foremost, this blog is an outlet for me...It's my blog bitches, I say what I want! Second, I may sometimes offer advice that someone may find useful(possibly regarding parenthood, relationships, telling some douche to kiss your ass)...A rant that one can relate to and be reminded that they're not alone...Occasionally provide a little humor, bringing a much needed smile or laugh...Give a shout out to a cool product(No,I'm not being paid to do so)...Rant about some amazing movie or song, or on the contrary, a really shitty one...Praising or bitching about life in general pretty much sums it up. Third, WELCOME...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pursuing Happiness is like Potty Training

Our pursuits of happiness are like potty training...Successfully reaching the goal is worth all of the messes you have to clean up along the way. And if you've been cleaning up and dealing with someone else's s**t for a long period of time, every step towards no longer have to do so, surely will bring some happiness;)~Catlin

Pull Your Head Outta Your A$$

The people that are worth a damn, are typically the last to leave you and the first you want back when(if)you remove your head from your bung...Tip:Do what it takes to keep the ones that matter most, in your life. ~Catlin

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Toddler's Plea-Location...Time Out

My almost three year old daughter called Jessie the Cowgirl (Toy Story-she LOVES her) on an imaginary phone from time out today, this was what she said: "BEEEP (guess she got Jessie's answering machine;) Um Hi Jessie, I need your help! My Mom put me in time out for not listening AGAIN, I'm trapped and can't get out! You need to get Buzz and save me. Please call me back(pause)YO-DA-LAY-HE-WHO." Those were her exact words, she's not even 3 yet! OH EFFFFFF!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet Dreams Dora!

So, I fell asleep on the couch watching TV last night (yeah, I know, Old Fart) and when my husband woke me up to go to bed I found myself wrapped up in my daughter's Dora blankie...I know that I'm somewhat demented and gross, more proof...I was delighted to find that Dora's face was cuddled up to my a$$ and I'm sure I likely farted in my sleep, right in her mouth;) How do you say 'paybacks' in Spanish?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poop Soup

Know what's amazing? When your 17 month old craps in the tub while bathing w/your 2 year old, you panic to quickly save them from attack of the floating turds, rescue is followed by shower in Mom&Dad's bathroom, must leave house immediately to make it to older kid's baseball game, you forget about turd infested tub, come home to poop soup bath in need of cleaning. Even more amazing..than the time Michael Jackson came to my house to use the bathroom;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Neighborhood Porn

On a nice lil' walk w/ the fam tonight & discovered the people that live 2 houses down like porn so much they not only like to share their passion for fine film w/anyone passing by-via ginormous TV and blinds completely NOT closed-but they also have it playing in the upstairs room with curtains wide open, simultaneously w/downstairs showing.. Next walk, popcorn and lawn chairs. Oh, and blindfolds for the kids;)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Walking Farts

Sometimes a 'rough day' can be compared to walking behind an elderly man that has a hard core case of the walking farts...You may gag a little, but laughter is the best option. ~Catlin~

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I don't think there's any sound that makes me happier than my kids' laughter...No, not even a fart;)