10-13-2010 Dear Psycho Stalker of my Brother,U r outta line now!My brother Trav is a good catch,so I put aside your craziness when he told u he didn't want u cuz I know it hurt..the fake prego stunt,the lies about him,500text msgs a day.. But let this be a warning...DO NOT threaten him anymore,U r pissin me off now,and I will GLADLY talk all this S**T straight 2 your face ANY chance I get and then some..Don't F**K with my family!
10-12-2010 My 2 yr old is tenacious(As I've mentioned before,I'm not really sure who she inherited this trait from;)4 the most part,this quality I'm grateful she has,but her determination 2 get me 2 eat one of her boogers this morning,left me a wee bit perplexed..I was impressed &proud of her tenacity,while fighting the urge to laugh&vomit at the same time,&slightly annoyed that she is wicked smart yet refuses to believe that boogers are effn gross!
10-11-2010 Thanks EVERYONE 4 the Birthday wishes,really makes the day even better..Cake-made by boys&Nana-4 breakfast,haven't changed 1 diaper(hubs on baby patrol), enjoying a lazy movie day w/my amazing fam..Almost 4got I'm another yr closer 2 lying about my age,Botox,being a 'cougar' when I think an 18 yr old is hot(sh*t I am probably already there),&mood swings being blamed on menopause instead of PMS;) ♥
10-10-10 Almost home from LA,YAY:)Had a great time,met some amazing ppl,joined Mile High club;)but happy 2 get home!Highlight of trip 2day:Convincing Greg 4 about 5 mins on plane that the wet puddle at his feet was from the elderly man(sitting n front of him)peeing his pants...Left out the part that the poor guy had just spilled his soda all over;)
10-7-2010 So,sittin here@airport,flight to LA delayed..French Dip @ Brew Brothers,Sha-Cocka..The Vodka Lemonade,pretty delish:)The hubs is tryin 2 convince me to get a bit sauced 2 help ease my mind bout flying(don't care much 4 it)However his subtle remarks reveal his alterior motives...Get wife drunk=Mile High Club..Hey waitress,I'll have another;)
10-5-2010 This evening Chance thought it was hilarious to set the alarm off on my truck in the parking lot at the grocery store...And I thought it was hilarious to see his reaction when I started busting out some of my mad skill dance moves to the beat of the alarm, in the middle of the parking lot;)
9-30-2010 A week from today,I'll be on my way to LA...Excited for the Screenwriting Expo and to see my Pops:)I'd like to give a shout out to my mind for not writing material that would be the equivalent of what could be several seasons of the Jerry Springer Show due to the extraordinary amounts of ridiculous BS that my amazing ex and his fabulous wife have brought into our lives over the past year;)
9-28-2010 No matter how many times my 2 yr old pees on the carpet,&manages 2 get it on the curtain(she probably hiked her leg)..Or how even though baby Grady turned 9 months old 2day,he thinks that waking up around 3 or 4 every morning,teasing me with 30-40 min intervals of sleep,is fabulous..Or how Austin,Chance,&Coop get into some sort of mischief quite frequently..I am SOOO grateful 2 have such amazing,loving kids ♥ ♥
9-27-2010 Some people can be easily compared to boogers...Annoying(show up at the most inopportune moments,or just manage to "stick" around when you wish they'd just go away),gross(though the mentally immature may find them "tasty"),and some are just super worthy of flicking against the wall or flushing down a toilet!
9-25-2010 On r way 2 Sacramento 4 training 4 Coop's fieldtrip,morning starting off fabulousss...No sleep(Grady teething and Pey was 2 excited @ Nana's last night2sleep),so super tired...Spent 1/2 hr looking 4 my shoe,Peyton must've stashed it somewhere,and I may have just sharted a lil...k,maybe not...whew;)
9-23-2010 Listen up ppl,I have some info. 2 share...4-1-1...Epic..Amazing....So great u may find it useful 4 the rest of your life!Wait 4 it...Wait 4 it...Here it comes...No matter what u say or do...Some people r just A-HOLES...;)
9-19-2010 Grateful for my kids,my amazing family,my great friends...And my ability to:Laugh at the crazy efforts of douchebags,rise above mistakes that I make,KNOW that I can get through hard times,not lose my ability to smile,and...Unzip my drawers,pull down my knickers,and fart like a man in the face of any deserving $hithead out there;)
9-12-2010 FYI:If u 4get the rubber, things could get really messy......U know, that lil rubber piece that goes in the blender and helps prevent whatever u r making,n my case 2day a fruit smoothie,from leaking all over the dang counter....What'd u think I was talking about? ;)
9-7-2010 Paybacks that my parents told me about,another point for them..That time that me and Cindy kept telling my brother Carson(who was like 2 @ the time)to say "penis",then tried 2 convince my Mom he was saying "peanuts"..And the times me and Corey would tell her lil bro 2 say "firetruck" repeatedly cuz he said f**k instead of truck...Funnier when I wasn't the parent of the copycat toddler;)
9-1-2010 Redneck Moment of the Day:Just used Duct Tape in a desperate attempt to keep my 2 yr old from ripping her diaper off during nap time...Yup,taped her onesie and shorts together...In process of ordering some "escape proof" jammies,until then...C'mon Duct Tape...U r typically super strong and amazing,my 2 yr old is about 2 test your bad a$$ abilities like they've never been tested b4,GOOD LUCK & may the force be w/u;)
8-31-2010 Dookie,your behavior and timing r sh**ty 2day;)Trying 2 walk out the door 2 get boys from school,Peyton poops.. Change her diaper,pick Grady up 2 put him n his carseat..Diaper full of poo..Go change diaper,back to living room,discover his diaper had leaked cocka all over swing and surprise...Peyton is trying 2 clean it up...WITH HER BARE HANDS!
8-29-2010 U know your man really loves u when he doesn't get crab legs 4 himself cuz they r such a pain n the a$$,but then cracks all of yours open 4 u cuz u have a hard time doing it without hurting yourself;)
8-26-2010 The nerve of some 2yr olds;)Peyton decided that the bowl of dry,fruity,Cheerios she asked 4 were not very appealing..So, she dumped them out all over the living room..Then,she changed her mind once she saw them all chillin in the vacuum(bagless,so you can see all the amazing stuff you suck up.)Let's hope she's not around when the pup takes a dookie,cuz he got to some of them b4 the vacuum!
8-24-2010 A wee bit tired, sleeping between a wiggle worm 2 year old and a teething 8 month old...Is NOT sleeping...
8-20-2010 Dear Person That Lives Down The Street From Me, PA-LEASE put your bad a$$ Chevelle back into your garage, or cover the dang thing up, or just hide it...I'm sick of drooling over it every day when I drive by!!!
8-4-2010 Amazing...I can't seem to get much done in 5 HOURS and in about 5 MINUTES Peyton is able to scatter a bowl of goldfish crackers across the house(smashing most into crumbs),dump a gallon of RED juice all over the carpet(that was my bad;),and top it off by leaving a nice pile of dookie in the shower...Y can't I get anything done again?:)
7-23-2010 Bought some cotton candy,aka "Kiddie Crack",for Pey @ the fair last night.Her first handful,aww cute..Few more handfuls..SUGAR HIGH HIT!Anyone around witnessed this:Her face stained with bright red/pink blotches..hands sticky and the same lovely shade as the blotches that decorated her face,frantically reaching out for the bag of "goods", while throwing her head back she began shouting,"MORE 'COTTA'CANDY'!" NIIICE;)
7-22-2010 At times the only thing in the way of u and happiness,is u.At which point,time to bust a ninja move..Kick your a$$ outta the way,make your life a better place..Don't bitch about things that u CAN change,shut your face and try 2 rearrange..If u fail there's joy in the pain,cuz u busted your balls for the good u tried 2 attain..If u succeed u r a bad a$$ motha,live this way,you'll want your life and no otha;)
7-14-2010 We r SOOO different,few things the same..But mostly I'm awesome and u r just lame.U r DEVOTED,2 lying&startin s**t..I'm DEVOTED,2 my kids!U r CRAZY,effd n the head..I'm CRAZY fun,like w/my hubs n bed;)We both like GAMES, I like Connect Four..U like head GAMES&hold the high score!U r a B**ch,it's who u r..I'm a B**ch cuz u pushed me 2 far!
6-25-2010 Well, today in the store I received confirmation that my boys are not the only ones that used to occasionally growl at people when they were toddlers(I used to tell people that they were up to date on all vaccinations, so no reason to be concerned;)Next aisle over from me I hear an adult say, "STOP growling at people...It's sooo RUDE!" And kidlet's reply, "GRRRRR"...LoOoVe It;)
6-24-2010 Hearing 4 Pre-Teen boys talking and laughing about how they farted in Chance's face "BIG TIME" last night, cause he fell asleep first...Funny. Seeing the looks on their faces after I proclaimed that when girls have sleepovers they typically don't have pillow fights in their bikinis, but have been known to fart on eachother too...AWESOME!;)
6-23-2010 Dear Sweet Tooth, quit using your Jedi mind tricks on me... I told you numerous times, only one...ok maybe two, handfuls of Peanut Butter M&M's per day was plenty! You're so selfish, you don't even consider how Butt and Thighs feel about your choices...Sheeesh
6-17-2010 ...Wonders if the gallon of delicious, not so good for you dressing that I drenched my healthy chicken salad in defeats the purpose of eating a "healthy" lunch, ummm... I'm gonna go with no...It all balances out:)
6-16-2010 "Life is like a box of chocolates"...True, true...And sometimes, it's the really messy ones that are the best! Translation: Sometimes the messiest/hardest parts in life turn out to be the greatest and totally worth the clean up efforts:) Bon Appetit!
6-15-2010 Jingle of the evening...Muh, Muh, Muh, My CORONA;)
6-15-2010 My skin's ability to get a sunburn=$12.00 for a bottle of pure Aloe+$4.00 for Extra Strength Tylenol...The sexiness of my skin a week later, meaning that my sunburn is now peeling, but I'm still pale white, so there is no apparent reason to others as to why I'm "shedding"=Priceless+ Justin Timberlake was wrong, because... I AM bringing sexy back;)
6-12-2010 Much of the time, perfection is found in the attempts to fix the imperfections in life:)
6-11-2010 Skeezer that works with my husband..U should know this about me:A)As I mentioned 2 u,I don't appreciate your behavior,nor your attempt to act as if u'v done nothing wrong,the ppl that have informed me can't all b lying!B)I am tolerable of many things,your chicken shit response is not one of them.C)I am not afraid of an...yone or getting my a$$ kicked..Hence,if u want 2 meet up for a drink sometime,it could b fun;)
6-7-2010 If life kicks your a$$, don't let the healing process take too long...Cause not only will you have lost the fight, you may lose yourself...Besides, sometimes it takes a little bit of failure and defeat to remember just how strong you are...And to see the importance and joy in the many moments life has to offer, that aren't a ninja kick to the face;)
6-2-2010 Is it just me being demented, or does anyone else find it hilarious when a dog/puppy tries to go to town someone's leg?! Example: Today, my leg was violated by a Lab pup, and I was laughing so hard that it was difficult to even say "NO, BAD DOG"...It took probably a good 15 seconds to shake the lil' hump machine off of my leg,and 15 minutes later...Still laughing;) Even funnier to see it happen to other people:)
6-2-2010Wondering if I might possibly need a boob job...Seeing as how I put my 8 1/2 year old SON's shirt on (started off as a joke),and...it fit;)
5-30-2010 It is my firm opinion that people who think a dream may be too big to be achieved, may have a mind too small to be considered...So F.U. all you quasi dream crushers!!! Negativity feeds the fire...BuRn babyyy bUrN;)
5-25-2010 Finally watched the movie 'Dear John', which featured my celeb crush (ok Adam Sandler, don't be upset, I still love you the mostest;), Channing Tatum...Let's just say, my hubster likes to watch his movies with me cause, well...I'm not gonna get into the details;) The movie was pretty good too
5-20-2010 Peyton is finally getting over this flu she's had for 3 days, just in time for Grady to get it in the middle of the night:(I feel so sad when my kids are sick, and to top off the misery...Diarrhea and Puke are evil forces that have united and are frequently ambushing me...My soldiers,AKA washing machine and disinfectan...ts, thankfully remain strong. I shall not be defeated;)5-13-2010 Doing so many things at once, and not really accomplishing a dang thing!!! My multi tasking skills are a wee bit lame today! Does drinking a beer, while sitting on my booty and pulling out my hair count...Cause I could possibly swing that right now...Wait, is 1:00 too early to start drinking?;)
5-8-2010 "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade"...Hmmm, then apparently I have the means today to make A LOT of lemonade...Think maybe I'll bust out the markers and cardboard and build a kick a$$ lemonade stand, might as well make the best of it, right? ;)
5-6-2010 Advice:Do NOT leave a dish soaking in your sink for 1 1/2 days, that you have baked fish and parmesan cheese in...unless maybe you'd like to lure in a scummy mcscumerson,cause pretty sure the aroma may be similar to the scent of a gutter slut...GROSS!!! Yes, I'm crude at times, I know THIS;)
4-13-2010 Uh Niiice, just found something in my hair that appears to be either a booger or possibly oatmeal?!...Thank you Peyton:) Sharing is good, um-kayyy;)
4-12-2010 Grady is in a cute, chubby stage right now...Some days it amazes me how he continues to gain weight due to the amounts of dookie that he so happily fills his diapers with, and the many times a day I have to change my shirt because he spits up all over me;)
4-9-2010 Maybe it's the fact that I don't drink too often, or that it's just been one of those days/weeks...?But it's my opinion at the moment, that whoever invented the combination of Corona and lime is a GENIUS! Next, I'm going to eat a s**tload of chocolate, take a hot shower, and throw on some jammy pants so that my fatness... can be comfortable... PS Husband, you're on baby patrol tonight!;)
4-8-2010 Wow...Today I've only been barfed on twice and had poo actually touch me just once! It's been an easy day in the life of motherhood;)
4-7-2010 So, I am a huge Wheel of Fortune Dork, my hubby was watching tonight with me...Uh Greg, I'm pretty sure that "gutter slut" is not an answer to a puzzle on this show..LOL;) Thanks for keeping the smiles coming tonight though, much needed and appreciated♥
4-7-2010 My hubby is gross, which of course means that he's perfect for myself...So it's that 'favorite' time of the month and tonight he says to me, Hey Babe...What do ya say Aunt Flo and "Uncle Richard" get together for a visit";)
4-4-2010 I ♥ my family!!! So grateful:)
4-1-2010 HA, HA Mother Nature you funny ol' hide you...Cold weather and snow, I get it...April Fools!!! PS, I am typically above bitch slapping someone so old, but you could force me to change my mind;)
3-24-2010 Got an unexpected, well deserved apology from someone yesterday...I reciprocated and apologized for my b**chy behavior in a parking lot...I really hope that the apology was sincere which would mean that life could be more harmonious and that I can cage the Superbi**h that's been on the attack mode;) Fingers crossed, ma...ybe I won't have to call the Jerry Springer show after all;)
3-23-2010 The military in India is now using a chili pepper to make grenades, great concept, work with what you've got...I just changed a diaper that was worthy of causing serious damage...A new weapon of choice, poopy toddler diapers;)
Fun for me to look back at my history of status updates on my FB account...Gonna copy and paste some of them, not much has changed;)
4-13-2010 Uh Niiice, just found something in my hair that appears to be either a booger or possibly oatmeal?!...Thank you Peyton:) Sharing is good, um-kayyy;)
4-12-2010 Grady is in a cute, chubby stage right now...Some days it amazes me how he continues to gain weight due to the amounts of dookie that he so happily fills his diapers with, and the many times a day I have to change my shirt because he spits up all over me;)
4-9-2010 Maybe it's the fact that I don't drink too often, or that it's just been one of those days/weeks...?But it's my opinion at the moment, that whoever invented the combination of Corona and lime is a GENIUS! Next, I'm going to eat a s**tload of chocolate, take a hot shower, and throw on some jammy pants so that my fatness... can be comfortable... PS Husband, you're on baby patrol tonight!;)
4-8-2010 Wow...Today I've only been barfed on twice and had poo actually touch me just once! It's been an easy day in the life of motherhood;)
4-7-2010 So, I am a huge Wheel of Fortune Dork, my hubby was watching tonight with me...Uh Greg, I'm pretty sure that "gutter slut" is not an answer to a puzzle on this show..LOL;) Thanks for keeping the smiles coming tonight though, much needed and appreciated♥
4-7-2010 My hubby is gross, which of course means that he's perfect for myself...So it's that 'favorite' time of the month and tonight he says to me, Hey Babe...What do ya say Aunt Flo and "Uncle Richard" get together for a visit";)
4-4-2010 I ♥ my family!!! So grateful:)
4-1-2010 HA, HA Mother Nature you funny ol' hide you...Cold weather and snow, I get it...April Fools!!! PS, I am typically above bitch slapping someone so old, but you could force me to change my mind;)
3-24-2010 Got an unexpected, well deserved apology from someone yesterday...I reciprocated and apologized for my b**chy behavior in a parking lot...I really hope that the apology was sincere which would mean that life could be more harmonious and that I can cage the Superbi**h that's been on the attack mode;) Fingers crossed, ma...ybe I won't have to call the Jerry Springer show after all;)
3-23-2010 The military in India is now using a chili pepper to make grenades, great concept, work with what you've got...I just changed a diaper that was worthy of causing serious damage...A new weapon of choice, poopy toddler diapers;)
3-21-2010 Had lots of fun last night, thank you Sandy for hanging out with your grandbabies and giving us a night out:)The hubby and I danced tons, he's sore and I'm not, neener neener;) But I am EXHAUSTED, can you develop geezeritis in your early thirties?!
3-19-2010 Apparently Peyton is trying to ease my mind about going out for a while tomorrow night, cause not once, but TWICE today she has stuck her hand in her diaper right after pooping! I did have mixed emotions about going out, but at the moment...I'm really looking forward to it! It has been about 2 years, 2 long;)
3-19-2010 Ok Jesse James and all you other douchebags, do your dongs have superhero type powers, capable of taking over your entire being,really?! Let's say, for sake of being curious, that Sandra is as kick ass as she seems...And of course has a nice "cat" that's well behaved;)...why would a guy risk losing her, especially if ...he really does love her??? C'mon boys, let's hear the "testosterone" side:)
3-18-2010 Isn't it ludicrous when idiotic people start all kinds of crap, and then can't take it when it's dished back?! Saw your post bi**h, you're so gross, and fake as Pam Anderson's tits...Maybe if you weren't such a nasty person, constantly putting "kids" through hell and f**king with me and my family, I wouldn't cut you off in the parking lot;)PS, you were exiting through an entrance you dumb shit!!!
3-16-2010 Lately, when I BBQ, I seem to be getting in touch with my inner redneck...Last time it was cold out so I opened up the garage door and BBQ'd INSIDE of the garage, and tonight I found myself cleaning the BBQ with the baby on my hip, not wearing any shoes;) Maybe next time I'll be breastfeeding, drinking a beer, barefoot..., and sporting some bad ass cut off jeans straight from the 80's
3-15-2010 Attention Twilight fans, and those of you that have EVER questioned the compatibility of my hubby and I...So, tonight I was expressing my excitement to watch New Moon and what does Greg do...Whips out his dong and says, "C'mon, it glitters in the sunlight"! Ahh yesss, one of the reasons that I love him;)
3-15-2010 Ok I've got a major girl crush, Jen Aniston seems to just get hotter as she ages! Dang girrlll, seriously...Why can't chasing my kids around be enough to get a body like that, GOSH!;)
3-15-2010 Dear Body, I know that I told you yesterday that starting today I'd cut back on the sweets...WTF, you didn't think I was serious or what?! You now have turned my nose into a leaky snot faucet, and I can't taste my food...Thanks for trying to help out, but did you have to be so harsh;) Sha-Cocka!
3-12-2010 So, I bought several bags of Peanut Butter M&M's with the intention of ONLY having a handful to get my daily fix...HA, HA! Apparently my intentions and my cravings need a mediator, cause they just can't seem to agree!;)
3-11-2010 Just got word from the hubby that we are gonna have a much needed date night next weekend...We haven't done that since Peyton was born, and she's 20 months old!YAY;)
3-10-2010 Yay, I can finally get Peyton's "mullet" in some lil' pigtails;)
3-8-2010 Hey Mr. Liar Pants, is it awkward being such a small man living in a 6 foot plus body? And Mrs. Mental Case, isn't it a bit crowded living with all of your personalities? Just curious;)
So, yesterday my hubby calls me from work just as I'm gettin n the shower. He starts the whole"ohhh yeah, shower huh, enjoy yourself, have a GOOD time, think of me...yada yada;)"So, after my shower I sent him a text sayin I made him a video of my amazing and relaxing "shower time"...This is the video he got;)C'mon babe......like I even get 5 mins. to relax:)See More

Shower Time
So, yesterday my hubby calls me from work just as I'm gettin n the shower. He starts the whole"ohhh yeah, shower huh, enjoy yourself, have a GOOD time, think of me...yada yada;)"So, after my shower I sent him a text sayin I made him a video of my amazing and relaxing "s...hower time"...This is the video he got;)C'mon babe...like I even get 5 mins. to relax:)
Length:0:30See More
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Holy S**t, I just ate half a pack of damn Girl Scout cookies...That's gonna leave a mark!Uh, probably a stretch mark...I think I can actually hear my ass getting fatter;)
2-28-2010 Sooo, I'm pretty sure I might be suffering from sleep deprivation...Went to change Grady's early morning diaper (around 6) and discovered he was in a half body, diaper cast...In the middle of the night, I had accidentally put one of Peyton's diapers on him... It came up to his chest and I didn't even notice!;)
2-25-2010 Seeing as how my morning started off with Barney at 6:30 AM...Guess I'll have to force myself to eat some girl scout cookies for breakfast;) Life's all about balance:)
2-24-2010 If you think that being a stay at home Mom is easy, I just might kung fu your face;) I am SO grateful that I get to stay home right now...But today has been a shi**y day so far, literally! I was in the kitchen for a few mins., Peyton was playing in the front room.. I peek out to check on her and she has her diaper half... off (full of poo), dookie on her hand and shirt, and dancing around to her Rock n' Roll Barney DVD!
2-21-2010 Farts in general...Funny. Seeing my daughter's frightened reaction because she farted so loud it actually scared her...Hilarious;)
2-19-2010 The act of omitting certain details can sometimes be the same as lying...The act of lying can sometimes lead to an omission of trust...The act of trust is more important than the details of an omission or a lie!~Catlin~
2-18-2010 If it's raining on your life, making it hard to embrace the brighter side...I hope you can find a bad ass, waterproof poncho and eventually splash around in the puddles;)
2-17-2010 F.Y.I.-You can cover a piece of s**t in chocolate...But, it's still a piece of s**t!
2-16-2010 Dear Barney, at first I was happy that my daughter decided to like you over Dora...Now, not so much! I try to read a book with her, she wants you. Try to listen to her silly kid cd's, she wants you. Quit saying that you love me, and trying to convince me that I love you too...I DON'T! In fact, I'd like to get all ninja on your purple a$$
2-15-2010 The boys had a good time snowboarding this weekend...I got to hang out with 2 sick babies, not quite as fun;( Yes, this is me whining;) Booo Pooopy Whooo!
2-12-2010 is sooo looking forward to this weekend with the family!
2-3-2010 Despite my favorite scents of tropical-ish lotions being masked by the lovely smell of baby barf, wearing nursing pads under not-so-cute bras, and after 5 weeks...Still wearing maternity jeans A.)Because my stomach still gets a bit sore from surgery and B.)Because my fat ass still won't fit in my favorite jeans...My am...azing, new son is SOOO worth the not so "pretty" sides of motherhood;)
2-1-2010 The world could end in 2012, or tomorrow...I think people should prepare themselves. Not by collecting 5,000 pounds of canned goods, but by enjoying life at least a little bit EVERY day! Spend time being grateful for what you have, don't focus on what you don't...
1-3-2010 Getting ready to go watch Chance play some Basketball again...Fun watching my good lil' player...Makes me want to get out on the court again:)
1-26-2010 Is there such thing as Baby Intervention or a Baby Whisperer...Someone really needs to get through to Grady about his poor choices in regard to his sleeping habits;)
1-21-2010 Sleep, dear sleep...I appreciate that you keep in touch every now and then, and I know that your departure was for an excellent reason...But I really miss you!
1-19-2010 Living in a "prison town" it REALLY ticks me off when the school sends notices home about further cuts in their programs...and 20 miles down the road prisoners are getting decent meals daily, satellite TV, and a warm place to sleep! I wonder why the US continues to decline, priorities a bit f**ked up??? Too much sympat...hy/empathy where there shouldn't be, and not nearly enough compassion/focus where it really counts!
Mr.Liar Pants and Mrs.Mental Case, I hope Karma kicks you in the face..I'm now not caring what you say about me, but how you treat the kids is plain crazy.."EX" marks the A-Hole and that chick is whack, someday life will get you back!But if it takes too long I'm gonna step in, so you'd better quit your s**t or my trans...formation to SUPER BITCH will begin!;)
1-16-2010 Chance had his first Basketball game of the season today...And he kicked some booty;)
1-15-2010 Pizza, Buffalo Wings, and a BEER!!! I've waited a long time for this meal;) Oh yes, it's the lil' things in life:)
1-14-2010 I think it's a sign of serious sleep deprivation when I am watching TV with my daughter and I want to bitch slap Dora the Explorer...and her little monkey too!;)
1-12-2010 Happy to report that Baby Grady has gained about a pound since we left the hospital:) Must have something to do with his habit of "grazing" all day and typically eating every flippin hour through the night! Oh sleep...how I MISS you;)
1-11-2010 I'm sure it's a conspiracy...The one morning Peyton doesn't sleep in til 9-9:30...Grady goes back to sleep around 7:30 and is still sleeping! Oh well, girl time:) Plus my Mom is gonna be here in a while to help out for a few days, so YAY!
1-9-2010 Dear Boobs, I speak on behalf of my husband too when I say, I am pleased with your recent growth spurt. I know you will return to your normal state at some point, and I respect that...For the time being please don't take offense to any derogatory remarks that we make towrds you, like "fun bags" or "big gulps"...You will not be in harm's way anyhow, cause you currently belong to the "lil monster";)
1-8-2010 My boys (except lil' Grady of course) have been discussing some snowboarding trips, and I'm not allowed (per my recovery rules) to participate...Poo!!!
1-7-2010 Dear Butt, Until you "shape up" I'd appreciate it if you stopped following me around;)
1-6-2010 Thank goodness for my kids...No matter how crappy life gets, at least I have them:)
Life is Like a Grocery List...Sometimes you forget to add things that you should, or discover later, you absolutely need...Sometimes you scratch things off that you decide or realize you don't really need...And sometimes you put something on there forgetting that it gave you a hard core case of the shits last time you had it, and you have to learn the hard way that it does NOT belong on the list.
This statement holds true to ANY aspect of ANYone's life, it's all in the individual perspective of course:)... First and foremost, this blog is an outlet for me...It's my blog bitches, I say what I want! Second, I may sometimes offer advice that someone may find useful(possibly regarding parenthood, relationships, telling some douche to kiss your ass)...A rant that one can relate to and be reminded that they're not alone...Occasionally provide a little humor, bringing a much needed smile or laugh...Give a shout out to a cool product(No,I'm not being paid to do so)...Rant about some amazing movie or song, or on the contrary, a really shitty one...Praising or bitching about life in general pretty much sums it up. Third, WELCOME...
This statement holds true to ANY aspect of ANYone's life, it's all in the individual perspective of course:)... First and foremost, this blog is an outlet for me...It's my blog bitches, I say what I want! Second, I may sometimes offer advice that someone may find useful(possibly regarding parenthood, relationships, telling some douche to kiss your ass)...A rant that one can relate to and be reminded that they're not alone...Occasionally provide a little humor, bringing a much needed smile or laugh...Give a shout out to a cool product(No,I'm not being paid to do so)...Rant about some amazing movie or song, or on the contrary, a really shitty one...Praising or bitching about life in general pretty much sums it up. Third, WELCOME...
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