Life is Like a Grocery List...Sometimes you forget to add things that you should, or discover later, you absolutely need...Sometimes you scratch things off that you decide or realize you don't really need...And sometimes you put something on there forgetting that it gave you a hard core case of the shits last time you had it, and you have to learn the hard way that it does NOT belong on the list.

This statement holds true to ANY aspect of ANYone's life, it's all in the individual perspective of course:)... First and foremost, this blog is an outlet for me...It's my blog bitches, I say what I want! Second, I may sometimes offer advice that someone may find useful(possibly regarding parenthood, relationships, telling some douche to kiss your ass)...A rant that one can relate to and be reminded that they're not alone...Occasionally provide a little humor, bringing a much needed smile or laugh...Give a shout out to a cool product(No,I'm not being paid to do so)...Rant about some amazing movie or song, or on the contrary, a really shitty one...Praising or bitching about life in general pretty much sums it up. Third, WELCOME...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When one door slams in your face...Possibly also on some fingers or some other body part, causing damage...Maybe even slams so hard it launches splinters into your eyes and well, you get the point...Another door opens...Even if I have to utilize my Ninja skills, invest in a bolt cutter...Or even go so far as to hire Pam Anderson and her boobs or a shirtless Channing Tatum to initially knock...I will get it open!

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